Fish Species Acronyms:
ABF = African butterfly fish
ATF = African tiger fish
BBG = Bumblebee goby
BGK = Black ghost knife fish
BR = Bolivian Rams
ATF = African tiger fish
CAE = Chinese algae eater
Cory = Corydoras
CKF = Clown knife fish
GF = Gold fish (Not Girl friend)
GN/GNC = Giraffe nose catfish
GR = Germain Rams
JD = Jack Dempsey cichlid
LF = Long Finned
O = Oscar
PB = Peacock bass
P = Pirahna
Plec = Plecostomus
PD = Pearl Danio
PSG = Purple spotted gudgeon
RN = Rummynose tetra
RFS = Red finned shark (Close relative of RTBS)
RTBS = Red tailed black shark
RTC = Red tailed catfish
SAE = Siamese algae eater
Sevs = Severums
SD's = Silver dollars
STF = Siamese tiger fish
Tig = Meredontotus tigrinus
TSN = Tiger shovelnose catfish
USDC = Upside Down Cats
WCMM = White Cloud Mountain Minnow
ZD = Zebra Danio
Fish Specific Terms:
F0 = Wild caught
F1 = Tank raised first generation and so on with the F numbers.
F5 = Last recorded breeding number from Wild Caught off spring
NW = New World
SA = South American
WC= Wild Caught
CSP = Congo Spotted Puffer
DP = Dwarf Puffer
F8 = Figure eight puffer
GSP = Green spotted Puffer
MBU = Mbu puffer
SM = South American puffer
Plecos et al:
BN = Bristlenose catfish (also BM= Bushy mouth)
Otto or Oto = Otocinclus.
Pleco or Plec = Plecostomus.
L-### are L numbers for the Loricariidae family (Plecos, Panaques, Ancistrus,
and Baryancistrus)
Gibby = Gibeceps pleco
CT = Crown Tail
DLT = Delta Tailed
DT = Double Tail
HM = Half Moon
SFF = Siamese Fighting Fish (betta)
VT = Veil Tail
Non Fish Species:
ABS = Adult Brine Shrimp
ACF = African Clawed Frog
ADF = African Dwarf Frog
BBS = Baby Brine Shrimp
MTS = Malaysan Trumpet Snail (also Multiple tank syndrome)
Saltwater Terms:
DSB = Deep Sand Bed
FO = Fish Only
FOWL = Fish with live rock
FOWLR = Above plus Reef
Other Aquatic Terms :
AC = Activated Carbon, also Aqua Clear brand filters
BW = Brackish Water
CCF = Counter Current Flow
CO2 = Carbon dioxide
DOC = Dissolved Organic Compound
DSB = Deep sand bed
DIY = Do It Yourself
FW = Fresh Water
GAL = Gallon
GH = General hardness
GPH = Gallons Per Hour
H2O = Water
HITH = Hole In The Head (disease)
HO = Hi output fluorescent light
HOB = Hang On Back
HOBF = Hangs On Back Filter
KH = Carbonate hardness (no, this is not a typo)
LFS = Local Fish Store
LPS = Local Pet Store
MS = Marine Salts
MTS = Multiple Tank Syndrome (also Malaysan Trumpet Snail)
NH4 or NH3 = Ammonia
NO2 = Nitrite
NO3 = Nitrate
PPM = Parts per Million
RO (water) = Reverse osmosis water
RUGF = Reverse flow under gravel filter
SG = Specific Gravity
SHO = Super Hi output fluorescent light
SW = Salt Water
TFF = Tropical Fish Forums ( http/ where you are now! )
UGF = Under Gravel Filter
UV = Ultra Violet
VHO = Very Hi output fluorescent light
ABF = African butterfly fish
ATF = African tiger fish
BBG = Bumblebee goby
BGK = Black ghost knife fish
BR = Bolivian Rams
ATF = African tiger fish
CAE = Chinese algae eater
Cory = Corydoras
CKF = Clown knife fish
GF = Gold fish (Not Girl friend)
GN/GNC = Giraffe nose catfish
GR = Germain Rams
JD = Jack Dempsey cichlid
LF = Long Finned
O = Oscar
PB = Peacock bass
P = Pirahna
Plec = Plecostomus
PD = Pearl Danio
PSG = Purple spotted gudgeon
RN = Rummynose tetra
RFS = Red finned shark (Close relative of RTBS)
RTBS = Red tailed black shark
RTC = Red tailed catfish
SAE = Siamese algae eater
Sevs = Severums
SD's = Silver dollars
STF = Siamese tiger fish
Tig = Meredontotus tigrinus
TSN = Tiger shovelnose catfish
USDC = Upside Down Cats
WCMM = White Cloud Mountain Minnow
ZD = Zebra Danio
Fish Specific Terms:
F0 = Wild caught
F1 = Tank raised first generation and so on with the F numbers.
F5 = Last recorded breeding number from Wild Caught off spring
NW = New World
SA = South American
WC= Wild Caught
CSP = Congo Spotted Puffer
DP = Dwarf Puffer
F8 = Figure eight puffer
GSP = Green spotted Puffer
MBU = Mbu puffer
SM = South American puffer
Plecos et al:
BN = Bristlenose catfish (also BM= Bushy mouth)
Otto or Oto = Otocinclus.
Pleco or Plec = Plecostomus.
L-### are L numbers for the Loricariidae family (Plecos, Panaques, Ancistrus,
and Baryancistrus)
Gibby = Gibeceps pleco
CT = Crown Tail
DLT = Delta Tailed
DT = Double Tail
HM = Half Moon
SFF = Siamese Fighting Fish (betta)
VT = Veil Tail
Non Fish Species:
ABS = Adult Brine Shrimp
ACF = African Clawed Frog
ADF = African Dwarf Frog
BBS = Baby Brine Shrimp
MTS = Malaysan Trumpet Snail (also Multiple tank syndrome)
Saltwater Terms:
DSB = Deep Sand Bed
FO = Fish Only
FOWL = Fish with live rock
FOWLR = Above plus Reef
Other Aquatic Terms :
AC = Activated Carbon, also Aqua Clear brand filters
BW = Brackish Water
CCF = Counter Current Flow
CO2 = Carbon dioxide
DOC = Dissolved Organic Compound
DSB = Deep sand bed
DIY = Do It Yourself
FW = Fresh Water
GAL = Gallon
GH = General hardness
GPH = Gallons Per Hour
H2O = Water
HITH = Hole In The Head (disease)
HO = Hi output fluorescent light
HOB = Hang On Back
HOBF = Hangs On Back Filter
KH = Carbonate hardness (no, this is not a typo)
LFS = Local Fish Store
LPS = Local Pet Store
MS = Marine Salts
MTS = Multiple Tank Syndrome (also Malaysan Trumpet Snail)
NH4 or NH3 = Ammonia
NO2 = Nitrite
NO3 = Nitrate
PPM = Parts per Million
RO (water) = Reverse osmosis water
RUGF = Reverse flow under gravel filter
SG = Specific Gravity
SHO = Super Hi output fluorescent light
SW = Salt Water
TFF = Tropical Fish Forums ( http/ where you are now! )
UGF = Under Gravel Filter
UV = Ultra Violet
VHO = Very Hi output fluorescent light