Fish Quiz

My bad, I thought this was a game and was supposed to be fun.
BTW, I did research.
From my reading the myth part of a Candiru's activities involving humans maybe exaggerated if not totally false, however that was not what I asked. I asked How does a candiru find its prey, its prey being regular fish and from the accounts I have researched Candiru use smell to locate potential prey.
Since you deleted your post TwoTankAmin I can not say if you answered correctly first or not about the NIle Perch, if you stated that Nile Perch and Barramundi are different fish then you are correct, you are also correct about how it is regularly mislabled in stores and resturants. If this is not what you posted TwoTankAmin then it is Robrockfish's turn to supply a question.
Does it have four spots; the fifth 'spot' being its eye?

(I'm guessing; thought I'd have a go without looking it up
I'll guess10, 5 on each side.
How does salt work as a treatment for excess nitrite?
Doesn't it help with toxicity. 
Reduces the toxicity
That's right. Did I get it right then. LOL
What is the difference between a Neon Tetra and a Cardinal Tetra?
Cardinals have the red stripe all alng the body whereas the neons only covers half
Correct. Your turn fishmanphil.
Hyphessobrycon Pulchripinnis is more commonly known as what fish?

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