Fish Quiz

Correct prankster your turn.
that was almost to easy lol...
so an easy one from me...
Why do some catfish (like corydoras) preffer sand over gravel?
A ) because gravel damages their barbels
B ) because they can breath under sand easier
C ) because it's easier to make burrows in sand
D ) because they can bury their eggs in sand
Its A. I love my corys so we putting sand in when we move house in a few months time. :)
Since puppyduck is off-line, here is a question.
Which fish lays eggs, or has babies every day?
A. Glass Fish
B. Guppy
C. Neon Tetra
D. Swordtail
that is correct lol
Actually it isn't.

Someone did an experiment on cories and found that even having sintered glass as a substrate did not lead to any barbel damage, nor did gravel. It is easier for them to dig through, but the substrate has never been shown to have a detrimental effect on cory barbels.
that is correct lol
Actually it isn't.

Someone did an experiment on cories and found that even having sintered glass as a substrate did not lead to any barbel damage, nor did gravel. It is easier for them to dig through, but the substrate has never been shown to have a detrimental effect on cory barbels.
Sorry than... I'll try not to post wrong info next time...
Kirbensis the answer is guppy.

Here's a question:

Whats so unusual about the royal gramma fish?

a. All fish are males
b. female can change sex
c. They are asexual
d. They can eat larger fish

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