fish problems!!


New Member
Aug 24, 2004
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I bought a 78 litre tank 7 days ago. I set it up and left if working with nothing in till 3 days later. I was then told i could buy some tiger barb and other fish. I bought 6 tiger barbs and 2 electric yellow chiclids.Buying the chiclids was a bad choice i know!!!but being a begginer i was told i could. They have been there for about 5 days 5 nights and seem absoloutly fine, but apparantly i added everything to soon, according to one of my friends.I did not know that till my friend told me, a day after i got the fish. So i have done annonium tests and nitrate tests. They have not been too bad.I have been changing the water content every now and then. Everything seems to have settled and the fish have been absoloutly fine. The reason the fish could be doing so well is because i have a very gold filter, i don't know???
Will the fish be alright?
If so when can i take back the tiger barbs back to the shop to swap them with one or two more chiclids. i.e when can i add more fish.? Basically i know i added fish to soon but is my situation not too bad. Any comments would be much appreciated
To be honest with you, I have never actually cycled my tank. (Cycling is the process of leaving your tank with everything in it But fish [some actually do cycle with hardy fish in it] so it can then grow the bacteria the water will need for your fish to survive) Though, I dont think cichlids are the best fish to use when cycling, nope.

Those fish will get up to 10cm, so for in a 78L tank, I dont think I could recommend having 4 electric yellows =/ I think you're best off waiting at least another week before getting 1 more cichlid in there ... however, you might wanna concider taking the tiger barbs back already and asking for credit or something, so chances of the barbs dying before you can return them are smaller.

However, you might wanna concider keeping barbs instead of cichlids? I'm not sure, at all ... I actually think both fish get rather large for a 78 tank, actually ... it depends. If you have a long tank rather than a high tank, then they'll probably be ok.

Look up some information about the fish and then decide if you wanna keep them or not. I think it might be better to just keep a small comunity tank, with smaller species of fish. However, this is completely up to you.

I believe the rule is about, 1 fish per 1.5L and tiger barbs get up to 7 cm, the yellow cichlids get up to 10cm ... however, I'm thinking you'd want some type of algae eater in there as well or anything ... I dont know, think about what you want I'd say =) ... also, I'm now thinking this rule probably can only be applied to smaller fish *hushes and runs off*
Hi joseph27 :)

Welcome to the forum. :thumbs:

Your tank will cycle with or without your help, but the difference will be in the well being of your fish. Cycling is something that you should understand and take care of before you add any additional fish to your tank. If possible, I suggest you return your barbs now so that the process can be completed with the minimum number of fish in the tank.

Here is a link to an article about cycling. You will want to pay particular attention to the part about "cycling WITH fish.' For as long as you will be keeping fish, this information will be useful to you.

I will move your thread to the Beginners forum where you will get help with this. Why not post a new thread in the Newbie forum to introduce yourself. :D
From what I have gathered a tank will not cycle by itself. It either requires the presence of fish waste or store bought ammonia, which can be tricky.
You should also test for nitrites its more toxic then nitrates. Just a word of advice. Nitrates also work as good furtiliser fpr plants. so a little is good

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