Fish Pictures?


New Member
May 12, 2010
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Watching my fish :)
I love looking at really clear pictures of fish, but can never seem to take any myself. My fish are always moving so it makes it hard to take pictures of them, and the glass reflects the light. Does anyone have any good tricks/settings that they use when taking pictures of fish? I have a Samsung SL202 camera if that helps. Thanks.
The easiest way to avoid reflection of the flash from the glass is to shoot from a slight angle so the reflection goes someplace away from your lens. Make sure you clean the glass well before you start. I find it best to back away from the tank a bit and then zoom in. It is easier to get a good focus at 3 feet away than at one foot and you can use the zoom to bring things back in. Patience is a must when shooting fish. You end up picking a spot where you intend to shoot, take manual control of the focus and just watch fish swim through the area where you are pointed. If something is in focus and looks like a picture you want, you squeeze off the shutter release. If you are persistent and careful about how things are focused, you should get a decent picture out of every 10 or 15 pictures that you take.
I always have problems taking pics when the tank lights are on,i have tried all settings on my 14.1mp camera.

But i find if i take pics at night with the tank lights off and just using the flash works for me and has oldman says have a slight angle so it doesn't reflect on the glass.
Manual focus and good lighting. Try using macro mode's

Oh and if you can afford a good cameras too, that helps.

Most point and click's find it difficult to focus on fish and will always go behind to the background using macro can help but still not the best. This is why i say manual focus this is what i do with most of my pics, but sadly most cameras do not have this potion unless you get a SLR or a bridge type which allows you too.
The trick is to use a high ISO, I use 800, with a shutter speed of about 40 on my DSLR..



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