saying that you are unwelcome in the Betta section was actually pretty correct after the last rude post you made.
Topic Link You rarely if ever post in that forum and then criticize everyone who, basically, made a post in that forum.
My point is that the way I have been responded to and hounded in two threads is ridiculous, especially considering that the reason I'm under attack is that I sounded bossy.
What has happened here is the stupidest form of hypocrisy, where
I was subjected to repeated, deliberate personal attacks on the basis of a single post because I used the wrong tone. Never mind the fact that I was pointing out in general terms the obvious fashion in which the forum is organized, a form of organization that all the other discussion forums recognize and respect. No, because I used the wrong tone of voice
in a single post directed at no one person, that made it OK for everyone who disagreed with me to directly insult me and to explicitly command me without any basis in the forum rules/organization.
These attacks continued for 20 hours without any response from me and intensified during that period. In short, I got frenzied.
People are rude and insulting in Bettas on a daily basis. They have been for years; there will be no changing that. I fully believe that it goes along with owning such pugnacious fish; cichlid keepers are just as bad. But the only reason that I'm "not welcome in Bettas" is that there is a clique of loud voices who can't be bothered with anything outside of Bettas and I don't belong to that clique. The simple fact that I can't point out obvious details about forum organization without risking attack "because I rarely post in that
particular forum" demonstrates that there is a clique of people who do frequent that forum highly and reject outsiders. For whatever reason, this type of attitude has always existed in that forum even as the precise members involved have fluctuated. I'm not saying that anything can or should be done about this, but you have to recognize it. I mention all this to make it more clear that I got frenzied because the clique said that I didn't belong.
Bettas has some of the highest page turn-over on the forum, mostly due to the proliferation of minor topics such as picture topics that really don't belong in that forum. I like bettas and I used to follow the big breeders like Synirr pretty closely. But I don't frequent the Betta forum anymore because it's too much of a time sink to find interesting topics. So I actually do have a vested interest in this discussion, even if 25% of my posts over the last three years have been in Chit Chat. (Can you tell that particular snide comment really burnt me up?) Just because you guys can see where some of my posts are doesn't mean that you can see all the things that I'm reading.
I like to think that if I hadn't posted that in the middle of the night (much like tonight
), then I probably would have realized in advance all the reasons Wuv gave for not enforcing the forum organization when it comes to Bettas. I wouldn't have forgotten that the Betta forum is just different. I was honest-to-goodness trying to be neutral and helpful. I provided two separate links to the appropriate forum. I offered pertinent examples; I even used the tried and true technique of using a smiley to show that I wanted to be friendly.
So where did I go wrong? I disturbed the status quo and told people that what they were doing is technically wrong. Oh, and I didn't kowtow while I was at it. And you know what? I'm going to admit that those were mistakes because pulling a stunt like that always makes people mad. Plus, I forgot that an organization like this simply *is* the status quo and isn't 100% run by written rules. That was a mistake too. If I had been given the opportunity, then I would have apologized for the whole mess. But I wasn't given that chance and instead, I got frenzied. So now I don't feel so generally apologetic for
accidentally insulting folks.
It is way too late at this point and I'm sick of re-reading this to see what could be said more clearly. All I have left is to reiterate how I feel about this week's internet drama.
I recognize and agree with the Official Position, thus I apologize to the mod team for not waiting to hear it. I appreciate those members who took my statements in good faith; I thank them for responding in friendly tone even though they disagreed with my opinion.
But as for those who attacked me and chased me: you are flamers and hypocrites. Those supporting and defending these attacks: practice your critical reading skills. And none of you should ever dare post a thread about how unfriendly this forum is. I'm not a very nice person, but I am at least honest about who and what I am.
afishdude, if you want this thread to die, then you should request a mod to close it.
I'm sick of defending myself in public like this. Any future discussions of how I fail as a forum member should be conducted via PM, because this just exceeded it's rational limit as a "case study" in how people completely overreact to text communication.