Fish picture competition

wow :D that is one kickass sanil :D here's mine! not a fancy one, but i love him anywyas :)

Am I too late to post pictures for June competition?

Anyhow, here it is...

alot of you guys have seen this but here it is again, my blood parrot biteing me


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That snail rocks. We all lose.
wow that is one kickass sanil here's mine! not a fancy one, but i love him anywyas

Mine is just a regular mystery snail. Nothing fancy about him. The guy moves so slow that I can get good pics. I think my camera was like an inch away from him. If i could geta pic of the front of him you would feel soo sorry for him. The middle of his shell is damaged and wont grow so there is this channel of no shell that looks like this - shell / \ shell. And the more he grows, the worse it gets. :-( I don't know how bad it will get before the shell cracks in half or something.

Your snail is awesome too!
Silva_Fishy said:
WOW YHBAE! Is that a albino bristlenose? I have a big normal one. FOTM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks :D - yup, it is the albino bristlenose pleco. It's about 1 year old and he has spawned once already in my community tank. I have about 20 little ones crawling all over the tank... :D
hey everyone

this is my red empress i like the photo see ya later.


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