fish pics


New Member
Jan 13, 2005
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hello :) can someone please tell me what kind of cichlids these are :*)


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Well, the yellow ones are yellow labs, an african cichlid from lake malawi. Then the fish with the red/pink belly is some kind of ram. I don't know any of the other ones, but it is kind of worrying that you're keeping a ram with african cichlids. Africans need a ph ranging from 7.5 to 8.5. Rams in my knowledge need a lower ph than that. Plus africans are very agressive, and they will probably bully the ram.
No offence, I have to say they're all very pretty!
~Robin :thumbs:
There all playful at the moment :) but ive got another tank so i can put them in there when they get abit aggressive. Thanks for the advice :thumbs:
the first one might be a Venustus hap. it's hard to tell with teh flash. And do u have a Khuli loach?
first pic...Haplichromis Venustus (Haplichrome)and Labidochromis Caeruleus, Yellow Lab (Mbuna).

It is said Habs and Mbuna should not be kept together but I have them in my tank and have had no problems so far.

How big is your tank? The hap can grow fully up to about 10 inches and the Yellow Lab to around 4 - 5 inches.

second pic...can't make any colouration out, sorry.

What other tank-mates do these fish have?

You can keep the venustus for now, but once it gains some size like around 4-5 inches you better have big tank or your going to have to move him somewhere else...the yellow is a yellow lab and the other seems to be a psedotropheus acei...Nice looking fish though....
just look at the pics again and I noticed the pointed head on the blue fish...It's a ps. Acei..I think it's some kind of haplochromine species....can you take a better pics????

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