Fish Pics From Saudi Arabia

I see you were diving in the Red Sea and have got those amazing pics of fish, corals etc. I shall be going to Taba Heights later in the year and my question is; can you see fish with just a snorkel here as you can further down the coast or do you need to dive? Your pictures are really excellent.... I can hardly wait!

I have been to Taba Heights a number of times, the beach off the Hyatt is the best for snorkeling. Depending on the time of year, you can pretty much see everything. Large stingrays, turtles, dolphins, clownfish, lionfish., Barracuda etc.

I have some pics from there taken just whilst snorkeling.............

The first link are pics of the Hyatt and pics taken whilst snorkeling off the beach (all underwater pics were taken with a disposable camera)

This second link is from the second time I went there and is a mix of diving and snorkeling pics and were with a decent camera.

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