my sig has a great picture of Keith my oscar you are more than welcomee to use it
Thanks. If you give us a name we can also do photo credit.
Here's a list of some fish pictures that would be nice:
Red-tailed shark
Something common in full view and with none in the background - like a tiger barb, goldfish, betta, etc. we plan to use it for anatomy
Any picture of a really nice tank we could use - planted community, African lake, whatever as long as it's pretty or interesting.
peppered, pygmy, skunk, and bronze corydoras
clown/bristlenose plecos (we're only doing fish under 15", so we're only covering small common species)
neon tetra
sailfin molly
cherry barb
peacock eel
betta splendens
General common or somewhat-common species, those are just some from the list of fish we're doing. There are others though, and they don't have to be extremely closely related