Fish Photos

That tanks look great, in my opinion.
I'm trying to find a self-publishing website that's not really expensive for full-color - if this book is the length we think it's going to be, it would cost us $38/book on Lulu to have color.
Will the book only have fish or shrimp and other aquatic creatures?

You can use these pictures if you want





my sig has a great picture of Keith my oscar you are more than welcomee to use it :)
Thanks. If you give us a name we can also do photo credit.
Here's a list of some fish pictures that would be nice:
Red-tailed shark
Something common in full view and with none in the background - like a tiger barb, goldfish, betta, etc. we plan to use it for anatomy
Any picture of a really nice tank we could use - planted community, African lake, whatever as long as it's pretty or interesting.
peppered, pygmy, skunk, and bronze corydoras
clown/bristlenose plecos (we're only doing fish under 15", so we're only covering small common species)
neon tetra
sailfin molly
cherry barb
peacock eel
betta splendens
General common or somewhat-common species, those are just some from the list of fish we're doing. There are others though, and they don't have to be extremely closely related
matt lee and keith the oscar :good:
super red bristlenose


green terror

red spotted severum

rotkeil severum

all fish i have owned in the past if any use to you?
If you're interested, you can use the corydoras delphax in my signature below.

And here's a photo of a 4-week-old bronze cory:


I also have photos of cory eggs, as well as cory fry at different stages and species.

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