Fish Photos

Yes, the cover art is done (for the printed version). And of course it features a number of your photos.
In addition, with the new iBooks Author app, I think I'll be converting to iBooks, too! We will still have a paper version, but there will be a less expensive version on iPad. If we can, we'll even get it on amazon Kindle! Nook users, we'll aim for that too! We'll aim for everything!
Of course, we will only publish with Apple if we can still publish somewhere else hardcopy.

I'm getting a Corn Snake that's fully grown and my mum won't let me keep the tanks and get the snake so I have to choose. Snake or tanks. I have wanted a snake for a while though so I happily chose the snake as long as I got to keep my dwarf Puffers and my big 37 Gallon tank upstairs in my room.
Here's a female Sparkling Gourami, incase you want your potential readers want to be able differentiate genders

I'll try to get a picture of my male, but he's like a ninja, unless he moves i can't see him! :lol:

This was the best picture I could get of my Pink Jewel Tetras (White Tip)They're so fast!

A cherry shrimp enjoying some lettuce:

If you need diseases, here's an oto cat with ich in a QT

Female Peacock Goby (i'll try to get a better pic soon :nod: )

You all knew this was coming! My Kuhli Loaches (Pangio kuhli myersi "Giant Kuhli Loach")
Female is the thicker one on the left, up a bit. Male is the skinnier one to the right. So readers can sex them :nod: They're still quite young!

Here's my female Lily in all her showoffy glory :p

Male on top, female on bottom


Loaches love to sun themselves :p

Those are some Great pics crossfire, my favorites are the khulies, lately I've become quite fond of them, and I'm thinking of getting some around July-Ish
Wow, those are some more great pics. I hadn't expected any more, but we'll use any that we get.
Those are some Great pics crossfire, my favorites are the khulies, lately I've become quite fond of them, and I'm thinking of getting some around July-Ish

SWM (trying to start something new. It means same with me.)

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