Fish Photos

You said something about dyed danios in some comment a little earlier and people do stick them in 1.5 gallon bowls because the pet shop label says minimum tank size 1 gallon. Don't know why they think that's right but maybe the lady there that told me she keeps 5 goldfish just fine in a 6 gallon tank made the labels.
Here are some more photos. If it helps...

Clown Barbs (hard to get a clear picture)

Boesemani N Yellow Rainbowfish

Dwarf Puffer

South American Bumblebee Catfish (Microglanis Iheringi)
Here's a couple better photos of the tiger barbs. I really wanted to point out that the star of the show is actually some kind of cross. I picked up six of these recently and one died immediately. I was reading recently that it's difficult to get true tiger barbs anymore. Notice the extra black splotch ... not a stripe.



Here's all 14 of them!

Cool Endler, is it purebred? I just got some a week or so ago, I need to take (good) pics still, though.
As in crossed with guppies? Lots are, unless it was specified otherwise when you bought it there's a very high chance. Either way, they're really pretty!

Here's a couple better photos of the tiger barbs. I really wanted to point out that the star of the show is actually some kind of cross. I picked up six of these recently and one died immediately. I was reading recently that it's difficult to get true tiger barbs anymore. Notice the extra black splotch ... not a stripe.



Here's all 14 of them!


None of the most common fish nowadays seem to be a single species... guppies are all mixed, platies are all... in the same genus at least, no petstore breed the same color - and now even the tiger barbs are hybridized! :shout: With what species of barbs, do you know?
Sorry ... if you're bumping me (cuz I forgot to answer!) I think they're crossed with green barbs. The 5 youngest barbs are now in a Q tank with some unknown malady.
Sorry ... if you're bumping me (cuz I forgot to answer!) I think they're crossed with green barbs. The 5 youngest barbs are now in a Q tank with some unknown malady.

Those are the worst diseases... they never seem to have a cause, no matter how many tests and inspections you do on the tank.
I was just bumping up the thread because the responses have slowed.
We haven't decided so far - there's a lot to sort through. We will likely use only the clearest pics, but there may be exceptions for really cool fish/tanks.
If, in 2 days, we get no more responses, I think we'll just say there's not any point left to the thread.
I think you really need to let us know what you're still looking for. We're kind of shooting blind at this point.

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