Fish Personalities

My Red tail Catfish, Beatrix, loves to be pet. She's almost 6 months old and is so much fun. She comes right up to your hand and wiggles her body against my hand. She's so spoiled she has to be hand fed every day. I love her! I guess she's kinda like a puppy in water. :rolleyes:
My S. rhombeus will pretty much ignore everyone and stay still in his normal cocky way if we go by but if my dog does he goes ballistic for some reason.

Any other time he knows exactly where the glass is but he turns stupid and forgets the glass is there or something and keeps smashing into it to get to her. Then goes and does a circle and slams into the glass again.

Anyone with Oscars or large cichlids should get a ping pong ball and let it float on top and/or poke a tiny hole in one and put a few pieces of gravel in it so it sinks. Hours of fun watching that.

Oscars are the best fish I've ever seen as far as personality.
my oscar jumps to take food from your hand if your being slow putting it into the tank lol he only has limited patience
Jambo bless his cotton socks, i have this very bad habit of putting the lid of the food on the glass lid when im feeding him, and as soon as he sees this he jumps and bangs his head on the glass.... now for a fish so intelligent... :lol:
and thers a plec (apptley called flash) that shoots at the speed of lightning to the top of the tank for a -well whatever he goes up there for, he frightens the flaming life out of me,
i used to have a sailfinn plec who was brilliant was sad when i had to rehome but when you put your hand in the tank he used too like being stroked and id put the cucumber in there for him and the malawis i used to keep and hed sit on top so others wouldnt get to it which was comical.the funniest would be my clown and weather loach they used to play with each other going up and down the tank if the clown loach lost the weather loach hed search eveywhere for him till he finds him then hed be all happy and play again,when the weather loach wanted to sleep the clown would go up to him and keep bumping him till he got up and play.i think fish are funny when there in the mood to entertain :D
one of my young bala's sort of shakes its head from time to time.When I first spotted it doing it,it worried me but its been doing it for about a year and is still healthy lol.

My parents have one of those biOrbs (dont agree with them myself) and the black molly in there likes to do swimming laps of the outside of the tank lol
My black Khuli loaches will dance al over the glass in perfect coordination and sometimes when thier doing this they'll suddenly stop and glide to the bottom or just hang from a plant.

No one ever told my bumblebee gobies that they're bottom dwelling, they swimm all over the tank.

My otos are adorable I love how they jump from leaf to leaf.
raphaels that lie on top of each other, spiny eels that wouldn't hide at all, senegal bichirs (one who stays only on top, yes floating) and other never leaving the floor :rolleyes:
my fuzzy dwarf lion is the most personable fish i know.

He comes and beggs for food, spits water at me if i havent fed him and tries to outswim the spray bar.
Ive also taught him to stay.
Its a great help for cleaning the tank :)

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