Fish out of water


New Member
Jul 7, 2002
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Came home, found fish on floor, (Oscar) must have jumped out of tank. Still breathing, is there anything I can do? Please help, Thanks
Errmm Put it back in the water :what:

Theres not much you can do. Get it back in the tank and just keep an eye on it, look for any injuries etc. Don't feed it tonight, the Oscar might not feel up to eatting. This will cause a slight rise in toxins. :(

So basicly just keep an eye on the 'O' and report back if anything seems out of the ordanary, then we'll beable to point out things for you :grin:
:( Hi wjonz, I've just come online @ 10.05 so I hope that you put your oscar back in the tank right away!! Not much else you can do. They are tough old fish so maybe he/she will be OK. Let us know of progress. :thumbs: Mac.
Nearly all fish can survive for quite a long time outside of water, much longer than a human can underwater (drowned). They gulp air into their stomach, and recieve some oxygen through there. In fact, most will die first from being dried out than from oxygen deprivation. Ive seen some fish that look completely dead, put them back in the water, in a few minutes, theyre alive again. Always put them right back in the water. If he dies, then you tried.

If I remeber the old board had an item like this but whoever it was found the fish after 2 hours and it stil survived.
i was doing a water change once,on one of my tanks in my shed,when the phone in the house rang,so of i went to take the call,50 mins later i returned to finish the water change and to my horror my male blue acara was missing from he,s breeding tank,(like a fool i did not put the lid on the tank) :but: on searching the shed floor i found the fish all covered in sawdust and not moving,thinking the worse i placed him back into the tank,to my suprise he went straight to his usual hideout,where he then stayed for the next couple of days,that was some months ago,and now he seems fine :) so the moral of this story is if youve got a lid use it!!!! :grin:

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