Fish Only No Liverock..


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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hey all,

currently i have a full blown reef tank, but i would like to go fish only..

is this possible without any liverock in the main tank ?

can i just have a few kg of rock in my sump ?
Ive seen lots of marine tanks with no live rock at all . You just have to be really careful when cyling the tank and only add fish very slowly as you wont have the large bio filter for ammonia convertion.
i think fish tank only with a nice DSB in the display will look nice...

i will also have alot of live rock and DSB in the Sump as well, with a monster skimmer rated 3x the volume..
Sounds a fine system to me.

Get a big enough DSB and you could look at some burrowing fish such as jawfish or garden eels (depending on the size of other fish in the tank and how much you like somewhat sensitive fish).

You can go completely without live rock and rely on bioballs or some other such aerobic media for filtration, but remember this will not be doing a great deal when it comes to processing nitrates so water changes may have to be more often (though with that decent sized skimmer you may get away with longer periods).
ill have live rock in overflow and in the sump..

DSB in sump and DSB in main tank as well..

phosphate and activated carbon reactor and skimmer..

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