Fish Of The Week - Blennies


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
near Hockley, Essex UK
Fish Of The Week


These ever popular little fish

grace most Salties tanks

So, lets see yours and hear all

about your experiences

This fish of the week is dedicated to Tom aka FiSH123FiSH
Piece in construction.............


Blennies are typically Bethnic zone (bottom of the tank) fish, mainly algae eaters who grow to approx. 3 inches. Only one should be kept in a tank as they can be aggressive to there own kind.

This is just a quick note for Tom, I havent got time to seek out info today but will put some work in tomorrow, I promise Tom :good:
the ever hungry, always nibbles fingers which enter his tank, Billy the Hippoface..

here's my bi-colour blenny. interesting thing about him is that he used to have a much more prominent orange colour in the back, but over the past 6 months he lost his orange and now it's pretty much a healthy solid brown.


here's one of him popping his head out of his barnacle home. makes him look like a squirrel lol

He looks nice!

How easy is he to keep? Any special requirments? Is he grumpy?

He is the most beneficial catch i've made actually. He mows the lawns, trims the hedges does the weeding. Well, he pecks a lot of algae off my rocks, he leaves big kiss marks all over the tank glass where he's been pecking on algae (i only clean the front wall of my tank for a more natural look). He took to the marine flake i give my other fish very very fast and tries to eat any food i put in there. He can be a tiny bit bossy but seems to getting over that these days. He is amazing. There are thousands of them at the rock pools i go to, so i will have one in any tank i setup.

My Lawnmower Blenny Dave is quite possibly the best fish I have ever had. He has bags of personality
He changes colour and patterning on a regular basis and looks so comical with his tufts above his eyes. He is easy to feed and active coming to the glass to greet you when you look in

When I have hands in the tank he also attacks my hand!!



Interestingly the male changes colour for varies reasons, most often to do with stress and mating but also as they get older. Both also seem to go darker at night and can have white spots appear, some people say the white spots are a stress response.

Seffie x
I don't have any pictures of my midas blenny! They all got deleted. :-(
edit: I found 1 picture of him! :D

It doesn't even show his color, since he's in the cave, but he still looks happy. RIP. :rip:
bought this fella last week but didnt notice he had a damaged mouth in the lfs so took him back. the dartfish hid constantly while it was in my tank.


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