Fish Of The Month


Has found a new home
Jan 9, 2010
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Right guys I think it's about time we start showing the fresh water guys what a proper fish looks like so I want all of you to get a snap of your most amazing fishy!!
No clowns guys, we want to show them we are more then a one trick pony, HG get your big angel in the lime light. I will enter my new copperband as soon as I get a cracking shot. Cummon guys!
We do not stray from our section enough and I think it's about time the salties start entering comps :)
Just you wait and see some of the species we have :D
I agree, you lot should be entering more comps. I have noticed though, that some of you need to brush up on your photography skills though! :hey:

heres my pic of a marine fish (wrasse)? He's not mine but pic though.

That's a yellow tang Ian, though I agree it would be nice to see more marine entries, it would make the competition more competitive.
Yep yellow tang - Zebrasoma flavescens - nice fish but 100% not a wrasse :)
shows how much i know about colourful fish!

You all should get together and choose your best pics.
I agree, you lot should be entering more comps. I have noticed though, that some of you need to brush up on your photography skills though! :hey:

heres my pic of a marine fish (wrasse)? He's not mine but pic though.


Sheesh, Ian, even I knew it was a Yellow tang. :lol:
i got a rubbish pic of my bangii on there-he just wont stay out long enough :lol:
The call to rally has been heard, come on gang...........get snapping :good:

Now where did I put that camera :blush:

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