Thank you so much! I'll definitely look into that, unfortunately I've just found out that I'll be away from home for the next 6 days, and will have the house tended to by pet/house sitters. Is changing the ground an urgent matter? I am concerned still about the way he's sitting on an odd angle, it's all so much to worry about! Thank you so much, though, for all your help. I'm going to tell the petsitters to feed him in maybe 2-3 days? Just with some bloodworms and algae pellets.
Changing the substrate = not super urgent, no. But him being unused to this brand new and alien-bright white substrate helps explain why he's so withdrawn, and you know now that most fish don't like a bright substrate, especially bottom dwellers. Think of how well they would show up against a light substrate like that to predators, and you'll have a better understanding why it can be stressful for them So when you can, putting a layer of darker substrate on top or replacing it with a dark substrate will make him more comfortable.
Are you able to get any more photos of the way he's sitting?
As for others feeding him while you're away - my concern would be that if he doesn't eat it, it will rot away, and could cause an ammonia spike... without you there to either remove the uneaten food, or check the water parameters and change them if needed.
In your position, I would probably keep the lighting really dim, then try him with a little bit of food. Check after an hour or so whether he's eaten it and if he hasn't, remove the uneaten food.
If the petsitter tries to feed him while you're away, tell them to put onto a very small amount of food in, and if it's still there 6-12 hours later, to remove it with a turkey baster.
When you set up the new tank, did you move his existing filter onto the new tank?