Fish Names

Joking or not, I am sure most of you guys have named most of your fish :lol:
You have endless possibilites for names :lol:

Yellow fish-blondie
Blue fish-bluey
Black fish-Blackie
Green fish-Shrek
Red fish-Scarlet/Little Red Riding Hood for females, Chillie Pepper for a male
Albino corycats-Kitty Cat Number 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 :lol:

I hope I covered all possibilities ;)
I have a pleco called plecky :D
my guppies and platys are all named by color:
streak and stripe

Neon tetras and harlequin rasboras are numbered.
Dwarf gourami is Tiger because he has stripes. His pic is in my signature.
My friend named my betta squishy.

I have always named fish by looks or personality.
What fish are you naming? i got some cracking names for your fish :)

3 guppies, 3 platy's, 2 kuhli loaches, a gold spotted pleco, a bulldog pleco, a hillstream loach, 5 rummy nose tetras and 5 black phantom tetras? is it these???
What fish are you naming? i got some cracking names for your fish :)

3 guppies, 3 platy's, 2 kuhli loaches, a gold spotted pleco, a bulldog pleco, a hillstream loach, 5 rummy nose tetras and 5 black phantom tetras? is it these???

yeah its them :) the guppies, pleco's, platy's and kulhi loaches have names tho :L x its just the tetras that need names xD xx
Guppies = Need to be Handsome Names ie Edward, Charles or William(Bill)

Platys = chunky but not butch ie Barry, Steve, Geoff

Gold Spotted Pleco = Gold Dust

Bulldog Pleco = Frank

Hillstream Loach = Rocky

Rummy Nose = Name after Fighters due to the bleeding nose ie Tyson, Lewis, Sugar Ray, Evander and Sonny

Black Phantoms = dark but decieving like the Wu Tang ie Raekwon, RZA, GZA, Method and Ghostface :)

Thanks for using L+C name generator :good:
Or name the rummy noses after famous drinkers

Oliver (Reed), Keith (Floyd), Charlie (Sheen) or even Winston (Churchill)
My five black phantoms: Roger, Pixie (the littlest one), Fern (hangs around by a fern!) Finn (has massive fins) and Mr Froggy.
Guess which one was named by my four year old daughter...
I have an endler hybrid that is the lone survivor of a tank disaster. I think I will name him Mr Invincible.
I let the kids pick the names, I have two BN Pleccos 1 is albino so they called them salt and pepper, the guppies are named after Mavel superheroes the orange and red one one is Stark ( iron man) the black one is Thor, have a pink and purple beta named Marty, the neon Tera's are the 7 dwarfs ( guess what there are 7 of them) are great at names!!!

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