I have a pleco called pleckyYou have endless possibilites for names
Yellow fish-blondie
Blue fish-bluey
Black fish-Blackie
Green fish-Shrek
Red fish-Scarlet/Little Red Riding Hood for females, Chillie Pepper for a male
Albino corycats-Kitty Cat Number 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
I hope I covered all possibilities
I've named my bettas....and my one of my platy females is named Bonnie, after the preggo chick on family guy, cause she is FOREVER preggoJoking or not, I am sure most of you guys have named most of your fish
What fish are you naming? i got some cracking names for your fish
3 guppies, 3 platy's, 2 kuhli loaches, a gold spotted pleco, a bulldog pleco, a hillstream loach, 5 rummy nose tetras and 5 black phantom tetras? is it these???
I would do the same thing... Except call the Cardinals Danio, the Rasboras Molly, etc.Danio, Rasbora, Cardinal, Pictus ???