Id personally go with,
6 tetras
3 cherry barbs
6 harlequin rasboras
That would be a nice colourful lively tank.
I dont like tiger barbs. The cherry barbs dont school therfore you dont need many, Ideally one male and two females. And watch the male go a nice cherry colour when mating with the females.
Harlequin rasboras are probaly my favourite fish, they look really nice and school quite tightly always moving.
tetras, everyone knows about tetras, nice and colourful.
thats my 2 cents worth.
6 tetras
3 cherry barbs
6 harlequin rasboras
That would be a nice colourful lively tank.
I dont like tiger barbs. The cherry barbs dont school therfore you dont need many, Ideally one male and two females. And watch the male go a nice cherry colour when mating with the females.
Harlequin rasboras are probaly my favourite fish, they look really nice and school quite tightly always moving.
tetras, everyone knows about tetras, nice and colourful.
thats my 2 cents worth.