Fish Fanatic
Hi, could anyone give me any advice on nitrat (NO3) i have a reading of 40mg/l and my nitrit (NO2) is 0.1mg/l what cause high readings of nitrat (NO3) and how could i reduce it, i have been doing 25% water changes and using a product called nitrafin but levels dont seem to be reducing, could it be my fish load? I have ten fish in the tank the types of fish are in my sig. The other readings from my test are as follows,
PH - 7.5
Ammonium - 0mg/l (NH4) 0mg/l (NH3)
GH - 10 DGH
Phosphat - 1.0mg (PO4)
Chlor - 0mg (Cl)
KH - 4 DKH
Iorn - 0.0mg (FE)
Nitrit - 0.1mg/l (NO2)
Nitrat - 40mg/l (NO3)
Sorry for the long winded post, thanks for reading
PH - 7.5
Ammonium - 0mg/l (NH4) 0mg/l (NH3)
GH - 10 DGH
Phosphat - 1.0mg (PO4)
Chlor - 0mg (Cl)
KH - 4 DKH
Iorn - 0.0mg (FE)
Nitrit - 0.1mg/l (NO2)
Nitrat - 40mg/l (NO3)
Sorry for the long winded post, thanks for reading