Fish-Less Cyle Calculator

Junior Gent

Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi all

Very new to this, ive got a biorb life 30ltr and have set it up ready to start my fishless cycle, ive tried using the calculator to help me work out how much ammonia i need to use but i cant seem to get an answer from it. If anyone could instruct me on how to get an answer or give me an idea as to how much to use that would be great.

Thanks JG
Just type the volume of your tank in the box under 'volume' ;)

Don't forget to change the % if your ammopnia isn't a 9.5% solution. It says 1.58mls for a 5ppm concentation, but 1.5mls should do. You can buy small plastic syringes from the chemist if you need to measure small amounts like that :good:
Agree with FM, it is usually that simple.

In the USA many of the simple household ammonia products don't have any concentration marked. In every case I've ever seen though that just means they are either 9.5% or lower, so you can still use the calculator since it is better to come it a little low, test using your kit and then perhaps add a little more ammonia.

Also, when doing boring things over time that involve numbers and observations it is really helpful to have a notebook. An aquarium notebook can have a diary as its main content. Leave a few pages at the front and record values that will be useful to you: The actual volume of water you end up adding (as a separate number from what the manufacurer says the volume is without gravel etc.,) the amount of ammonia you end up fixing on the gives you a nice 4-5ppm ammonia concentration in -your- tank with -your- ammonia. Besides he diary of the fishless cycle you'll later record each time you get fish or make other significant changes to the tank.


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