Fish Kill...what the heck

Any other of the platies was very lathargic...sorry for the the top if the tank iwas even able to net him without much trouble....i put him in a small bucket with some fresh watet and he started acting normal again within 20 min
Did a 50% water change and put the little guy back in the tank and now hes all but dead
How can we suggest a treatment if we don't know what's wrong? There's little info to go by.
Melafix is useless normally, it treats gram positive minor bacterial infections. Most of fish diseases are caused by gram negative bacteria so this should be the last choice. You can try salt baths to relieve the fish but with the rate these are dying you have a stubborn disease going on and salt can't cure anything. Not all fish can tolerate salt too. Whether bacterial or parasitic it's impossible to tell from your description.
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First of, your tank is 40G which is way to small for the Clown loach. Plus Clown Loach need to be in groups as has been said. They can reach 18" each if well looked after but more commonly stay between 10-12" long at fully grown. They are also very active when in groups. A singular one will get stressed, hide all the time and possibly turn aggressive. The goldfish should not be in a tropical tank as this shortens their lifespan and speeds up their metabolism, therefore creating more poo... Now, you also say you only have 2 neon tetra's and 2 Zebra Danios... These are both shoaling fish and need to be in groups of 6+ each to feel comfortable. The more the better and the more natural behaviour you will see.
The Platies... How old are they? Have you tested your water after the water change? Any physical signs of any disease? I hope we can help you but we need more than "The platies are dying"...

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