Fish-keeping: cruelty or preservation?

kribsinvcrib said:
"Unlike freshwater aquariums where 90% of fish species are currently farmed, the majority of marine aquariums are stocked with wild caught species." (Gixers link)

No disrespect to marine tank hobbiests out there, but I'd like to know what your feelings are on this subject.
you will get some answer like "my fish are safe in my tank"

also try reading this.
kribsinvcrib said:
No disrespect to marine tank hobbiests out there, but I'd like to know what your feelings are on this subject.
Where ever possible I buy tank bred fish and tank propigated corals so there is zero environmental impact, in addition my live rock is aquacultured (rock placed in the sea by a company, left to mature, then removed) so this does not destroy existing reefs.

I do however have wild caught fish when tank bred are not available, which I ensure are not caught using cyanide or other damaging methods. I do not keep wild caught fish that are either endangered in their environment or are a 'vital' part of the reef ecosystem such as cleaner fish.

As far as cruelty is concerned I keep fish such as clownfish and firefish that do not move any considerable distance ever in nature and so I can simulate this environment. I would not keep open ocean swimming fish because I could not provide an appropriate habitat.

In the long term responsable keeping of wild caught fish could lead to captive breeding programs alowing both the preservation of the species and a eco-damage free source for aquariums.


n.b. a saltwater tank is not something to set up on the spur of the moment and I in no way endorse the many unquestionably cruel and damaging tanks set up due to 'nemo' etc. By taking fish from their natural habitat we are obliged to provide appropriate conditions.
Thank you for your response Ed4567. I wonder if other marine enthusiasts are as thorough?

However, this issue really needs more than one marine keeper to balance it out. Are there any other marine enthusiasts willing to put their say across?

PS, This is a 'grown-up' issue that we're discussing and not a hot-heads' verbal tug-o-war.
I find that if we buy only fish that are breed in captivity and not captured in the wild the it's ok But i would never buy any fish or animal that has once been free. We are preserving the livs of the fish if we catch them from the wild but what sort of life will thay have in a tank.


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