Fish Keeper Error!

I find the best way too get a graven cleaner working rather than sucking or shaking like a mentalist in the tank is to fill it with water first, Hold your finger over the bucket end of the tube, then put it in the tank and rease your finger. This will Instantly start working :)This is how i do mine every time.

I would not want to take in any tank water though :sick: even though its perfectly clean its still a horrid thought. :p
Lets just say I shan't be repeating that any time soon - I thought I was going to choke to death or pass out from sudden shock! :lol:
HAHA! Gravel cleaners are amazing mind, but they can be a pain sometimes, the first time i used mine, i ended up with most of my tank water all over my carpet and floor. Bad times! That included the plugs :lol: Nearly had a heart attack when i realized the sockets were soaked. But i got the hang of it a couple of goes later :p
I cleaned my boys tank recently and accidentally got some tank water and silca sand in my mouth, so not only did it taste yucky, I was crunching sand until I got to swill my mouth out. :sick:
Heh was the first thing they made me learn when i started workin with the fish! Handed me a pipe, a bucket and put e in front of the marine system...

Needless to say i perfected the art pretty quickly LOL
This once happened to me but I took in a young female guppy as well... :sick:
i used to do this when siphoning my puffers tank not very nice when you have pieces of half eaten mussels and worms
i now use a priming bulb on the end of the hose so no more sucking :)
I've done that a couple of times. I just get a strong cuppa afterwards!

I also try not to start a siphon that way, unless I have no choice (eg, drip siphon to acclimatise). Mostly I do it the way Matt mentioned above. Saves the spitting and gagging and feeling unclean for the rest of the day! :lol: :lol:
This thread nearly made me boke..........
Thanks for that.
haha this happened to me! but i already sucked it before and it didnt work so i sucked it again and it cam gushing out and went all in my mouth and squirted in my face :( i was gagging haha
the thought of poo coming up through it :sick:
Experimenting with reversing in the nitrogen cycle - taking in nitrates and putting out ammonia?

(I'll get my coat.)

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