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Ok, thank you so much to everyone who helped me. Hopefully this was the issue and the small water changes sort it all out
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I believe the tank hasn't fully cycled. If fish die after a water change that would mean either you are not using a chlorine rid or tank water not cycled. Which you are using I recommend buying a refrigerated bottle of water cycle. that jump starts the cycle. Don't buy any fish. than buy an API Master Water Test Kit. Take readings everyday. Don't change the water until you see O ammonia,nitrites and nitrate. You might loose more fish but using the water cycle bottle should stop that. You have plants. How are they doing? Are they green or are they turning brown?Hi,
Since the start of this year I have been keeping fish. First I got a 110 litre tank (around 25 gallons) and I have had so many problems. I have had a few ammonia spikes and lost quite a few fish to that. The most recent spike was about two months ago and I have lost a few fish because of that. I get the ammonia and nitrate tests done at my lfs so I'm not sure how big the spike was. I have also got a 22 litre tank (about 5 gallons) as my betta was attacking the other fish but that is sorted now and I have no more issues with that. However, recently my fish keep dying in the 110 litre tank. Yesterday I had the first death for two weeks and talked to my lfs about this but he said it could just be a one off from old age. The deaths before yesterday weren't very often but they all died in the same way: they start floating around, swimming weakly, falling to the floor, rapidly breathing and then dying. The other fish in the tank peck at whatever fish is dying but don't fully eat them and there were no chunks. About 3 weeks ago, one of my corys died which I assumed was because of ammonia poisnoning except I couldn't find its dead body in the tank. I was only gone for about half an hour from the point where he was almost dead and when I came back he was gone. At the time, I took out all of the decorations in the tank and couldn't find any signs of the dead fish anywhere. Today I had been gone all day and came back home to find my pleco missing. I can't really remember seeing him yesterday but I think I would've noticed if the fish were all in one area picking at the ill fish. I have no idea what they died of and I have no clue what I can do next to make sure no more die. Anyone have any ideas?
The fish in my 110 litre tank: 2 baby balloon mollies, 3 endlers, 3 guppies, 5 swordtails, 3 balloon mollies, 1 cory, 4 dwarf gouramis (I got these recently before I found out the other fish died), 1 zebra pleco, 1 common longfin pleco (this is the recent one that might be dead).
Water Parameters: The ammonia and nitrate is 0 (tested today) but not sure on anything else. Temperature is 25 degrees C
Water Changes: About 2 months ago my lfs recommended to stop doing water changes but I did a 15% water change 4 weeks ago and topped up the water in the tank 2 weeks ago.
Chemicals and treatments: I add bacteria pearls every week, tap water conditioner to any water added, and aquatic plant food
New fish: 4 gouramis but after the fish died
I will add photos off the tank set up (the net holds the molly babies)
Many thanks,
It's chlorine that evaporates on standing, but if yuor water provider uses chloramine, that won't evaporate.I do the old fashioned method of letting water sit for at least 3 days to allow the amonia to evaporate.