Please save me from massive failure! I have been keeping tropical fish for a while and decided to add a small saltwater tank. I work at an aquarium and have always loved clown fish. (EVEN BEFORE NEMO!). Anyway all i want is a 10gal tank with a single black clown. Would it be a massive failure if i got a tank kit with normal non-special lighting, but in some dead (previously live) rock i have for some reason, some sand (any kind in particular?) put in the 20x flow rate, mixed the salt water, and added a clown? Would it cycle the rock for me? Obviously i know nothing...Thanks in advance!!!!
EDIT: Do i need a couple pounds of LR to get the dead rock started? Weighed my rock, its around 5 pounds.
While having a 10g tank with a single clown isn't out of the ordinary, it's a far more complicated process than just adding the clown right after the addition of LR.
You'd need about 10-20lbs of LR depending on how porous it was for your tank. So yes, you'd need more LR. Most use aragonite sand. I used live sand for my picos and was not disappointed, others hate live sand. The rock also needs to just sit in the tank for a spell. You need to wait and see what happens, you also need to add a CUC to take of your rock and keep it clean so the bacteria in the rock can do its job, which is filter your tank. It's usually some time before you can add a fish to a SW tank. You'll also need the following equipment.
1. A source of SW or RO water
2. Salt to mix your SW if you're using RO
3. Refractometer to measure specific gravity
4. Since you don't want corals, lighting isn't all that important, as long as you can grow algae, you're fine
5. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and high range pH test kit
6. powerheads to achieve 20x flow, usually two do the trick
7. thermometer
8. buckets to hold prepared SW and RO and a powerhead to airate the SW
9. The list goes on
No, you can't just throw in a clown with LR and sand and prayers from the heavens, and expect it to work, as Donya pointed out very well, but if you take the time to read and plan, you can have a clown fish in a 10g if you give things just a bit more time. You can also keep a bunch of other nifty creatures that'll make the Clown fish much more comfortable.