Fish In Cycle


Fish Crazy
Feb 3, 2011
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After my confusion recently i have now this morning decided to go for a fish in cycle, i will be getting 2 guppies from P@H later. I will test the water every 8 - 12 hours And do water changed accordingly. Hope it works ok, my decision comes after having my tank for 1 month thinking it was cycling when it wasn't. My dad has moaned about the electricity usage whilst not having any fish in the tank. Lets hope it goes well, i would rather have done a fish out cycle.
It will be good to compare your daily cycle against a fishless one. Good luck.
Oh dear that sucks! Still its good to know there are forums like this you can get the proper information from. I wouldnt cycle with guppys as they tend to be not very hardy - they are weak from continual interbreeding. I would go with something like some zebra danios who seem to be able to cope better with an uncycled tank. Hope you have a proper liquid test kit to test the water because those paper strips are useless! Good luck!
Unfortunately, guppies often don't make it through a fish-in, although working with very low numbers of them will help the situation. We have had our fair share of stories here on parents worried about the electric bill. In some cases it can help to draw them in with a few planned sessions of information about exactly what is going on, almost like a science demonstration for your teacher, explaining with scientific names the two species of bacteria (Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira spp.) and trying to see if the parents can participate in understanding the process. Obviously this doesn't work with all parents though and in those cases perhaps some calculations of what the actual electrical addition might be and an offer to put a small bit of one's allowance toward the electricity bill might help (often this helps the adult put things in perspective but who knows?)

Hi well i have a high PH 7.6 are Zebra ok in that? I have API Master test kit. Thanks again!
I am doing a Fish in Cycle as well. this might be useful.
Thanks guys ;)

Is that your post Ikan? i got the same tank as you ;)
One way to approach it to your Dad is to say that with a fish-in cycle you'll have to change the water more regularly, which will increase his water bill and if he's buying the fish for you, he'll have to pay for them. What happens if you lose any? Will he be prepared to pay for more?

There's pros & cons for doing each way, but electricity use really should be a low priority as it's always going to be needed.
I agree, unfortunately i am paying for the fish. Zebra it will have to be, its a shame but considering i have had the tank for a month i can uderstand where he is coming from as well. Heater lights filter etc... running.
yeah it's a fishbox 48.
fish in cycling is doable but a lot a lot a lot of water changes (as in frequent) needed in order to keep your fishies healthy.
Yes I have the same tank, how did you introduce your fish to the tank? did you do a water change before you put them in?

Do you have your bubbles activiated on your filter?

Ikan do you have MSN or Skype? maybe would be easy to communicate on there?
i'm still learning so i wouldnt want to give you any wrong advice. the guys and gals here are pretty knowledgeable and quick to response so you're in good hands.

my fish were left in the bag with top open for 30 mins, add some tank water into the bag and leave for another 10 mins then the same and after the third 10 mins, release them slowly. left lights off until an hour after.

i dont have the bubbles activated on the filter but i do have an airstone. the filter that comes with the fishbox is rubbish as it keeps slipping down below water level. if this happens during the night time, you wont get any surface breakage and apparently that's not very good.

remember, partial water changes is your friend during fish-in cycling. good luck.
GREAT! thanks for the introducing fish post, i have manged to convince my dad to give me more time and get it right for the benefit of the fish.Now where can i get this Ammonia!!!!
Boots chemist (online) or try other local chemists to see if they have any.

Make sure it's un-perfumed etc and it's usually 9.5% ammonia solution.

Also try DIY shops as they might sell it too, I know people have bought it from places such as HomeBase previously.

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