Fish In Cycle Report


Fish Crazy
Dec 1, 2008
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I already had thread on this but seems to have gone.

Ok had several fish mainly danios in tank since about 7th december. As of 2 days ago all readings were 0. Ammonia finally settling after doing constant water changes. THis was the case for several days. Now when I tested yesterday the ammonia was back to .25 and nitrite was .25 also. To be honest this is the first time I have actually had a reading other than 0 for nitrite. So whats happening. Does this mean its only just started after several weeks. Its almost been a month so how much longer. Its 125ltr tank btw.
you should be coming to end of your cycle tbh maybe your going through a mini cycle just do a 20 % water change and you should be fine ..then check your water reeading agian for the next couple of days if your experienceing the same reading every other day then your not completely cycled yet but if your doing constant readings you should be able to keep on top of your ammonia and nitrite levels by doing water changes 20 % if there that low again...

keep us updated
you should be coming to end of your cycle tbh maybe your going through a mini cycle just do a 20 % water change and you should be fine ..then check your water reeading agian for the next couple of days if your experienceing the same reading every other day then your not completely cycled yet but if your doing constant readings you should be able to keep on top of your ammonia and nitrite levels by doing water changes 20 % if there that low again...

keep us updated

Did the water change as advised and when tested again I am back to 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite. Did a full gravel clean aswell which looked to pick up quite a bit. Will test again this evening and in the morning and hopefully both will be the same.
hi tez,

if its the first time you have had nitrite readings it sounds like you are now heading into the 2nd part of the cycle. sounds like to me you now have sufficient bacteria to convert the ammonia to nitrite, which would mean you will now have to keep up with the daily water changes until your nitrite bacteria develop (which could take longer to develop than ammonia bacteria) to convert the nitrite into nitrate. i may be wrong though as i have never cycled with fish.

best of luck :good:
hi tez,

if its the first time you have had nitrite readings it sounds like you are now heading into the 2nd part of the cycle. sounds like to me you now have sufficient bacteria to convert the ammonia to nitrite, which would mean you will now have to keep up with the daily water changes until your nitrite bacteria develop (which could take longer to develop than ammonia bacteria) to convert the nitrite into nitrate. i may be wrong though as i have never cycled with fish.

best of luck :good:

I did the water change last night and tested shortly after and both were 0. Would I not have had some sort of Nitrite reading when I tested this morning though?
It looks to me that whatever caused your bump in readings has settled back down the way it should be. I would monitor for a while just be sure you don't see a fresh problem. If you have reached the end of the cycle, a few bobbles are not at all unusual but your readings are promising.
Yes, agree, no need to stress about it. Just think of morning and evening ammonia, nitrite and pH tests as part of normal life for a few more weeks until its gone a long time without any readings showing up. Eventually you will have to win out, time is on your side!

Just tested again last night and this morning.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Just tested again last night and this morning.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5

Since last post on 8/1/09 I have been testing and each test kept showing

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5

Since Early december I had 5 Zebra Danios, 2 Albino Corys, 2 Dwarf Gouarmis. On Saturday I added 3 more corrys and a Albino Bristlenose plec.

Been doing morning and evening tests in case any spikes but stats have been constant at

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
PH 7.6

Looks pretty good from my point of view.
Yes indeed, you can join us in telling beginners that a filter really *will* get cycled eventually and it really *will* get more solid after a while. Only when you've been through it and maybe experienced some mini-cycles and things do you really get the feel for how true it is I think.

Congrats! ~~waterdrop~~

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