Fish Have Ich


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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Do I have to do anything different while treating ich for my fish since it isn't cycled yet ? Or will I need to start all over again? What else should I know about treating ich? Thanks for all the help
Yes you should treat the tank because if left untrest it will kill in a couple of days. I know thats what happened to me. :( Anyway what Iuse and whats worked for me is a medicine called NOX-ICH just 1 drop per gallon for 3 days and another 3 just to be safe and skip one day before second treatment. And it will stain the silicone on the corners of the tank but its temporary. And if you have a piece of decoration that you don't want to tak a chance of getting stained take it out before treating. Good luck. :) Oh and it will turn your water blue to.

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