Fish Has White Spots And Is Dying (Day 4)

Its day 4 and I woke up prepared for the worst.. that's exactly what I got. He didn't survive the night. Thanks for your guys' help, really means a lot to me.
So sorry he didn't make it. You did the best you could. Sorry for your loss. I lost 2 fish in the past week. It's the hardest part of fish keeping.
Ohhh noooo I'm so sorry :( sometimes with fish, not only do we not have the tools to figure out what is wrong, but we also lack good tools to fix it. You did the absolute best you could and you gave the fish the best comfort and love and care in it's last days, and in this case I don't think you could have done anything different. Keep a vigilant eye on his tank mates to see how they are doing, and if any of them start showing symptoms of anything we will try and nip it in the bud as soon as possible.

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