fish has bacterial infection, helppppp


New Member
Mar 3, 2005
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hi everyone,

i recently added more fish to my tank, i didnt realise till i got them home and in the tank that one had white spot and the other had what appeared to be an ulcer under its eye and on its lip, i have been told that i should have quarenteened the new fish for two weeks, but as im new to keeping fish i didn't know, however, i am treating the fish for white spot, and i was told to put the fish with the ulcers into a hospital tank, which i have now done, i also did water tests and the water is fine, i have turned up the temp in the main tank to help with the treatment , but im concerned for the fish in the hospital tank, i was told just to put water from the main tank into a smaller tank and leave the fish in it for 2 weeks but i have been told that i dont need gravel or filters or anything at all in the tank, how can i make sure the water is ok , apart from doing water changes , and what will happen with oxgen levils without a air stone, is it possible to treat more than desiese at a time, i dont want to be putting in too much chemicals at once. :no: :dunno:
You really do need an airstone for medications as it reduces 02 in the water, i would add some salt to the hospital tank if it isn't scaless with having the whitespot, you will need an internal bacteria med for the ulcer, also you will have to do daily water changes, and add the correct amount of med and salt back to the amount of water you have removed from the fish tank, good luck.
Hi angelgoldie,

A few questions. How big are your main and hospital tanks? What fish and how many do you have in each? Did you get your water tested at your LFS or do you own your own testing kits (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph)? If not make the investment, it's worth it. I don't see why you wouldn't want to have a filter for your hospital tank. The tank needs some kind of biological filter especially since you don't have any gravel in there. i'd worry about the tank not being cycled as that would stress your fish even more. You should have an air stone in there as well.

As far as treating for multiple diseases, first and foremost make sure the tank is cycled. Do frequent water changes as clean water is one of the best rememdies for infection IMO. If you are dealing with both parasites and bacteria that could be a pain cuz from what I understand bacteria thrive in higher temps while higher temps help the ick life cycle quicken. We need to know what kind of fish you have b4 advice can be given on how to treat. let us know
gi :)

edit:eek:ops you beat me to the punch wilder
thanks to you both for your replys, in my main tank i have two shubunkin, and three oranda, it is a 30 gallon tank, (i know it is too small but the fish are happy and growing well.) i have phoned my local fish club and they have advised me to not seperate the fish, but to treat both the parisite, and bactirial infection in the same tank, i also had 3 plain goldfish in that tank also, but have just put them in annother tank as they looked like they were nibbling at the oranda with the ulsers, i have since put in gravel and a plant to the smaller of the tanks and intend on doing lots of water changes to keep the water at safe levils, i must admit i am confused cause im getting loads of different info, and i dont know what is best. :crazy: :-(
Really you shouldn't be keeping more than 3 fish in that tank, what filter do you use, you might need a back up one as they are messy fish.
Check out the pinned topics in this section and in the beginners section. There is a lot of info that you'll find useful.
did water tests and the water is fine...turned up the temp
What were the results? What's the temp?

advised me to not seperate the fish, but to treat both the parisite, and bactirial infection in the same tank
This advice was prob. based on the possiblity that all inhabitants may already be infected w/ ich.
What med's are you using/do you have, and did the fish society have this info?

As I understand it,
--3 plain goldfish are now in separate tank
--oranda w/ ulcer in hospital w/ airstone, plant, gravel
--and new fish displaying ich spots remains in the main tank, w/ 4 others this correct?

Size on smaller tanks? Also, size of fish.

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