Fish Hanging Around The Top Of The Water Alot?


New Member
Apr 10, 2009
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My 5 Danios, Platys and swordtail. along with other fish constantly hang sroun dthe top of the tank. i cant see them becuase of the cover and i can bearly see the rest of the tank, they havnt always done this, and also i only got the danios yesterday. I do have a small amount of ammonia and nitrite. but my tanks about 2 months old now, and nearly cycled i believe. any reason why they might be at the top? and any way i can help it? there are plenty of hiding places so i have no idea. I heard they may be ill/distressed. Help please :)

Thanks, Zak.
Tank in gallons
Are they showing any other signs of illness
Is there proper aeration
Test readings
Tank in gallons
Are they showing any other signs of illness
Is there proper aeration
Test readings

12 Gallon
I had white spot recently, looks compleltly fine, no signs of anything. Water was conditioned + water changed.
Airstone + Pump, So im assuming yes?
Ammonia is 0.25 or below when i tested earlier, witch suprised me becuase i havnt seen ammonia in weeks. Nitrite was simalar. and nitrate was about 2.5
My mum has been feeding them while ive been at school though, around 3 times a day, she only told me today so ive told her to stop. SHould help slightly :S
12 Gallon
I had white spot recently, looks compleltly fine, no signs of anything. Water was conditioned + water changed.
Airstone + Pump, So im assuming yes?
Ammonia is 0.25 or below when i tested earlier, witch suprised me becuase i havnt seen ammonia in weeks. Nitrite was simalar. and nitrate was about 2.5
My mum has been feeding them while ive been at school though, around 3 times a day, she only told me today so ive told her to stop. SHould help slightly :S

Hmm, your tank seems fine. They're probably a bit bloated, right now just do a water change and feed them just twice a day.
What do you feed them?
I was feeding flakes, then i got some freeze dried bloodworm, they have mainly been eating that for about a week now. I used to give the occasional tablet, for my loach and pleco. and today i got some free betta food. But it was normally a small sprinkle of bloodworm, recently etleast. Although not sure what my mum has been feeding them :S
I was feeding flakes, then i got some freeze dried bloodworm, they have mainly been eating that for about a week now. I used to give the occasional tablet, for my loach and pleco. and today i got some free betta food. But it was normally a small sprinkle of bloodworm, recently etleast. Although not sure what my mum has been feeding them :S

Make sure to feed them bloodworm only 1/2 times a week, because it bloats them and gives them constipation.
Wilder knows much more than me so hopefully (s)he will reply.
Fish at the top of the tank is a possible sign of low oxygen levels. What filtration do you have on the tank? You have a reading of ammonia in the tank-this should be 0 at all times, have you tested for nitrite? It sounds like your tank is still cycling. Do water changes as often as you can and feed sparingly, one time per day is fine.
Fish at the top could also mean something more sinister if you tank hasn't finished cycling...

Nitrite poisoning. As i found out today, its not nice to see them suffering :-(
How many platys and swordtails do you have.

Shouldn't have added more fish till the tanks cycled.
Water changes and increase aeration.
I would add one tablespoon of salt now. Just get a jug of tank water and stir the salt in till it disolves. Add to the tank.

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