Fish Fungus/White Fuzz

Aug 16, 2020
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how to treat fungus ? im currently double dosing esha 2000. however im in the uk so the meds available are different to us. i have king british meth blue and the finrot and fungus control and also the white spot one, which way would be the quickest to treat the affected fish ?
Are you sure it's fungus?
What sort of fish is infected?
Can you post pictures of the sick fish?

Harmful fungus in fish normally gets into open wounds. If the fish has not been injured, it might not be fungus.

Fungus (saprolegnia) in fish can be treated with salt (sodium chloride), Methylene Blue, Triple Sulpha and a number of other medications. However, salt is the cheapest and safest. Use 1-2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt per 20 litres of tank water. Leave salt in tank for 2 weeks. the salt will not affect fish, plants, snails, shrimp or filter bacteria. The fungus usually goes after a few days but you leave the salt in there for longer so the wound can heal up properly.
I have put affected fish into a 10L tank with 2Ml of meth blue and airline in there for circulation and aeration will do 50% water changes very day and add another 1ML of meth blue every water change for a few days
If you have the fish in a separate tank/ container for treatment, change all the water and wipe the inside of the container down each day. Then retreat the tank/ container. Try not to handle the fish when doing this. Drain most of the water, refill and drain again, then fill and treat.

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