Fish Fry Food


New Member
Jun 12, 2011
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i am currently breeding my carp they are a few days old. i am feeding them on egg yolk at the moment but looking at brine shrimp i need a LARGE quantity of this or any live food for them i am looking to see if they is anyone looking to give away any or sell at the right price local to the preston wigan area.

has anyone got any ideas of what i should start feeding my fry on after 5 days as i have been told egg yolk is not a sutable food to rear them on as they need live food cheers Gary
My lfs sells newly hatched brine shrimp, or you can buy kits like this

TA is much better. Much much cheaper, Top grade egg's and all hatch around 24 hours!

Only place I'll buy eggs from.
just hatch in a pop bottle with an air supply easy!
i have around 10,000 fish fry how much would you suggest i feed them?
2-3 tea spoon's full a day. Should feed that amount of fry.

You need to set up 2-3 hatcheries you keep it going all the time.
i have bought some eggs now i have all the equipment is it essential to use a heater for the water? and if so where to put the heater as it is only a small area in the hatching cones :)
at room temp (say 74[sup]o[/sup]f) your looking at a hatch time of 24-36 hours, some will continue to hatch for 2-3 days befor it's done

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