Fish For A 5 Gallon Hex


Fish Crazy
Jan 31, 2007
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savanah, georgia
i have a 5 gallon tank that was my first experiment with live plants. it came out great, so i figured i would add a fish or two. i was think galaxy rasboras but i have never sent them around my area. i think a local store can order them, but i would like to hear other options or possible a tank mate or 2 that would work with them
How about 2 Sparkling Gouramies? I'm looking in to get them for my 10gallon. They only grow to be a inch-and-a-half, so they could probably go. ^_^
Betta fish, a small shoal of neon tetras? A dwarf gourami?
In a hex, I'd suggest "hover fish," as they generally use all levels of a tank. I would go with either:

Pair of scarlet badis (male/female)

Pair of pygmy sparkling gourami

1 or 2 dwarf puffers
Sorry to hijack(spelling?) the thread, but I am going to add a male betta to my five gallon octagon, any ideas for his friends?

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