You can find more recipe, real "Räkmix" recipe, using Google:
Sorry, but I haven't found any in english.
but most of them involved beefheart as well
Some hobbiests use meat from warmblood animals. But because they contain fat, heart too although less than meat, don't put those into food. You can also use frozen saithe. If you give meat to your fishes, they get ill easily - fat remains e.g. fishes' liver and liver doesn't work ok after that. Fat causes different internal illness.
Here you can find one recipe (in finnish)
finnish = english
katkarapuja = shrimps
vähärasvaista kalaa (pakastesei) = low fat fish (saithe frozen)
kananmunia = eggs
herneitä = peas
sitruunamehua = lemon juice
porkkanaa = carrot
banaania = banana
Spirulina-tabletteja (jauhettuina) = spirulina tablets (powder/grinded)
ADE-vitamiinitippoja = ADE-vitamin drops (or just grinded vitamines)
liivatejauhetta/lehtiä = gelatine (powder or leaves)
Tavallinen annos / Kasvissyöjille / Poikasille
Ordinary portion / for herbivore / for youngs
It will be good, if you check first do your fishes eat e.g. banana, because first time when I did Räkmix, fishes didn't eat it

They did not like banana