Fish food


Fish Herder
Aug 21, 2002
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Does anyone here make fish food? And what is the recipe?

I just made vitamin food for fishes:

- peas (not peans ;))
- shrimps
- carrots
- 2 vitamins tablets
- gelatine to bind those stuffs together
I've made snail food before for my applesnails, it really contains a mixture of most vegetables mashed and then frozen, a bit of meat or cheese as well (not too much as it'll pollute your water fast also some calcium from the tablets ;)
I once tried to make algae tablets. I scraped all the algae of the acrilic inside covers of the tank and split them into nice round tablet shapes. I left them to dry overnight. Next day there was nothing left except paper thin things which were stuck down to the panel :S
haha that was a good idea, DG

next time u should freeze them. . . although they may turn to mush when they thraw in the water
cutechic said:
haha that was a good idea, DG

next time u should freeze them. . . although they may turn to mush when they thraw in the water
Hi cutechic, Yeah your onto something there :) Dam shame i just cleaned the algae off this monday. But manybe in a month's time i might have enough. Cheers :)
have freezedried veggies that do not keep well for the fish. just rejuvenate them with tank water before feeding.

to make bloodworms take a shallow bowl or pan and fill with an inch of water. spread leaves on the top and set in a shady warm place for a few days. peel away the leaves and bloodworms.

fry food - take a small container that has a lid and fill with tank water. stick a leaf of lettuce in it and replace the cap. set the jar in a sunny window for a day. dump the water into the tank minus the lettuce.

semper fi
im thinking of getting a blender just for the fish now put worms and letuice and some other stuff in there. what about that smell of fish that they put on the fish food to stop the fish thinking they are eating human fingers?
mrV said:
Does anyone here make fish food? And what is the recipe?

I just made vitamin food for fishes:

- peans
- shrimps
- carrots
- 2 vitamins tablets
- gelatine to bind those stuffs together
can u post a step by step process of making that, and what kind of gelatine do u use?
There was a mistake in recipe. Don't use peans, use peas :)

Gelatine = gelatine, from cows :) Is there any other word for "gelatine" in english? It was gelatine that is used in baking (powder, not leaves).

First I put frozen peas into the pot and boiled them just a couple minutes. I boiled carrots and frozen shrimps too. After that I put them together into another bowl, mix them together with stabmixer(?). After mixing it looked like green dough :sick:

I added grinded 2 multivitamins tablet to dough, mix it well and finaly I added gelatine. Mix it again well and put dough on the film (or in small bags, like minigrip). You should spread dough like thin sheet and put it into the refrigerator that gelatine sets. After couple hours you can put it in to the freezer.


As you can see, it's thin plate.


It looks like a hard plate, because I took them just from freezer to take those couple pics :)
we have the same kind of gelatin in the states. knox gelatin is the brand name. it is an unflavored gelatin that is used for setting jellies and jams. find it in any grocery store.

did you shell the peas first?

semper fi
No, I didn't because I though when boiling them and mixing them with stabmixer, shells/peels will be small and soft enough and fishes get some fibres too ;)

it is an unflavored gelatin that is used for setting jellies and jams.

That's right. You can also use leaves too if you like to. I think powder is easier to use. And if you are vegetarian and don't want to use gelatine, buy agar-agar. Im not sure can you put agar-agar into the freezer - if I don't remember wrong, you can not freeze it.

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