There was a mistake in recipe. Don't use peans, use peas
Gelatine = gelatine, from cows

Is there any other word for "gelatine" in english? It was gelatine that is used in baking (powder, not leaves).
First I put frozen peas into the pot and boiled them just a couple minutes. I boiled carrots and frozen shrimps too. After that I put them together into another bowl, mix them together with stabmixer(?). After mixing it looked like green dough
I added grinded 2 multivitamins tablet to dough, mix it well and finaly I added gelatine. Mix it again well and put dough on the film (or in small bags, like minigrip). You should spread dough like thin sheet and put it into the refrigerator that gelatine sets. After couple hours you can put it in to the freezer.
As you can see, it's thin plate.
It looks like a hard plate, because I took them just from freezer to take those couple pics