Fish Fins In A Net


Mar 11, 2007
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orlando, FL US
I was trying to put a sturio catfish into my tank from a bucket using a net. He ended getting his fins stuck all up in it. I ended up cutting my net and got him out, but he still has some, about one cm. on both sides of his pectoral fins. I've had this happen before with another fish and it just fell off. Should I be worried about this, or will it evetually come off by itself.
i would probably try to take it off... I'm not sure how that would be done though.
Maybe try cornering it slowly and easing it onto the side using your hand near the top of the tank so it's sort of half in water on it's side on the palm of your hand and then pull gently at the net. It works for larger fish in the sea when my dad goes fishing... not sure how little pet fish will fair with it. Usually once you've got them on their side without enough water to struggle itself back to upright it'll lay there pretty still.
I suggest taking it off too. Most catfish and other bottom dwellers will freeze when they are taken out of the water. Normally with there fins extended so the spines are sticking out. This is normally why they get stuck in the first place, that is why it is recommended to use cups when catching them. So if it was me I would catch him using a cup and put him on a clean damp towel, Then gently remove the net. That is what I did when my Striped Raphael got caught in a net that fell in the tank, he was one mad fish kept talking the whole time and gave me a few cuts.
I wish I could have caught him in cup, but hes about 10 inches and his whiskers are about 18 inches. One side came off without my help, and looks like the other is too. thanks for the advice. I really hate with messing catfish like this. The little monsters have so many spines.
In these situations it is always best to let nature take its course and leave the net to come off on its own, trying to remove the net usually does more damage than good and you don't really want to be poking and prodding an expensive delicate fish. If it hasn't come away within a few weeks then you may have to intervene and cut the net away using a small pair of sharp scissors but this should only be a last resort.
I would let it fall off by itself. This happened to a sushui(sp?)koi in my pond when transferring it, I just cut the net and eventually the net fell off the fin.

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