Fish Expert a MORON

The guy does in fact sound like a total moron. As someone siad above, they do sound like green spotted puffers. I had one a while back and my so called "fish expert" told mne they were freshwater! (what's wrong with people and these puffers, eh?) Well, the thing died in a month and really hurt some of my fish. I'd confront this guy with some hard facts! :sly:
Green Spotted Puffers, aka Leopard Puffers: Latin Name : Tetraodon nigroviridis (sometimes misidentified as T. Fluviatilis) BW fish that is aggressive and will grow to about 6 inches. They grow very fast in the first year, up to about 3-4 inches, then their growth slows down and they reach full size in about 3-4 years
A 5 gal tank is not suitable for anything other than an emergency QT for GSP's as even when immature they have been known to kill each other over territory.

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