Fish Emergency - It Looks Like It Is Going To Pop!


New Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Two of my black phantom teras have swelling on their tails, on one of them the swelling is larger and what looks like a white head spot about to burst, I can not identify this and my hospital tank is occupied, I dont know what to do, can anyone help identify this?
sounds like it could a infection of some sort and meds would most likely clear it, but you would have to put into a hospital tank so other fish are not effected by un-needed medication. Could you possible post some pics so its easier to see what this might be ?
I can't get a decent photo, the light is too bright in the tank. If I can identify what it is I can take the infected fish to my dads hospital tank in the morning, it's not being used at the moment. If you know of anywhere I could get some pics of diseases that would be a real help?
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Best to isolate fish with spots, as if they burst they can infect the tank.
Any redness to the spot.
Does the spot move.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing, excess mucas.
Is there more than one spot on the fins, like a cluster of eggs.
Does the spot resemble a cauliflower.

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