Fish Dying


New Member
Mar 16, 2004
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Wheeling, WV
UGH!!! Just when I thought I had problems under control....I have had a few dead fish in the last 4 days or betta, glass fish, 2 gold barbs, and my algae eater. I am assuming it might be latent effects from my nitrites being so high for so long....Nitrites & Ammonia are now zero and Nitrates are 10, my pH runs high (hovers about 7.5 to 8). I am now down to just a handful of fish in the tank and 2 ADF's. I plan on waiting until the weekend to buy new fish (as it will be a week on saturday since my nitrites went to zero). I plan on taking back both of my Opaline Gouramis (the male just picks on the other fish way too much...he's a meanie)...but I don't want to do this until I get the new fish for fear it'll upset the balance in the tank. I know you have to go slow once your tank is fully cycled, but with a 38 gallon tank, how many fish can I safely get each week? Thanks
after cycling you should only add one third of the bio load ever week. two weeks better really.

also i wouldnt be adding new fish when you have unexplained deaths

I agree with gixer. i would not add any fish yet until the deaths stop or a cause is found and rectified. If you do you could be throwing your money and some more fishies down the tube. You have come a long way and it has been costly. A little more patience :p (i know that P word again) and then you will be ready to go. I know its hard to do but you know it is best :)
Sheila, you have had a really frustrating time, I know. You have my sympathy. Just hang in there.

I agree with the others, the deaths need to stop and the aquarium needs to stabilize before you add more fish. However, if the gourami is a problem and you're going to take him (and his partner) back anyway, I'd go ahead and do so. Taking them out shouldn't do anything detrimental to the aquarium system, and leaving him in only sustains a source of stress for the other fish.

Here's a goal for you. If your tank is cycled (and we believe and hope it is), just stay the course, and test every day or two. Given your current water parameters, we want to see four things before we consider more fish:

1. Ammonia stays at zero
2. Nitrite stays at zero
3. Nitrate increases to 25 ppm (indicates that the cycle is still working), and
4. The deaths stop.

You may be there by the weekend, but let's see if we can get there, okay? As the others said, I know this is beginning to feel like an exercise in exasperation, but just have patience. We're all behind you.

But I would go ahead and get the gouramis out when it's convenient, if you plan to anyway. I don't see anything fruitful to waiting.


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