I am not a fan of well water.
Well water can contain the following.
General Minerals, organic compounds, heavy metals ( Lead, Copper Etc ), pesticides, and herbicides, Coliform Bacteria, Solvents, Gas, and Oil just to name a few.
A lot of that stuff has been found in tap water too.
In Perth and surrounding areas in the south west of Western Australia, we get a white residue from tap water after it evaporates, and it sets as a very hard glossy white layer, almost like a glaze on ceramics. When I scrape some up and test it for pH, GH & KH it does not produce a result. The water corporation says the only stuff in the water is chlorine and fluoride. Their own tests should we had 3.5 times the safe level of chlorine and double the safe level of fluoride.
There is also something else in the tap water here that makes methylated spirits (metho or methy) green. Methy is 95% ethal alcohol (ethanol) and is clear. I use it to disinfect and clean stuff. I dilute it with water for this purpose. If I use bottled or filtered water, the methy stays clear. But if I add tap water in the methy, it turns green and slowly changes to yellow after 24 hours.
The water corp says there is nothing in the tap water that should cause that. The company that make methy hasn't responded to any emails. This started about 2 years ago and to date, nobody in the government wants to comment on what's in our tap water.
Basically any water source can be polluted or contaminated. If using ground water (from a well or bore), or dam water, river water, or even mains water, it should be checked regularly for anything and everything you can test it for. And if should be aerated for at least 30 minutes before using it to stabilise the gasses in it.
If you are unsure about the water, you can filter it with Activated or Highly Activated carbon before using it. Make sure you filter it for at least 24 hours before use.
If the pH is dropping during the course of a week, you can add a few shells, limestone or dead coral skeleton to the tank, (limestone is the best choice). These are calcium based and will help to neutralise acids in water and will increase the pH a bit.
If you add lots of limestone, shells or coral, the pH will go well above 8.0 so you only want to add a small bit and monitor the pH over a week. If the pH continues to drop then add another bit. Eventually you will get enough pieces in the tank to keep the pH stable and then you stop adding it.
The pieces in the tank will last for years and only need to be taken out once a month and hosed off or scrubbed down to remove algae and biofilm that grows on it.