Fish Dying - Please Help!


New Member
Feb 12, 2006
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I’m really in a panic – I’ve had just had some new fish in my tank (30 litres) to build it up a bit – 3 clown loaches (purchased at the advice of the aquarium shop to get rid of some snails that turned up on a plant), 4 female guppies and 2 male guppies. They joined the 2 male guppies who were already in there. The water levels seem fine – the readings I got a few minutes ago are:

NO2 – 0.1 mg/L
pH – 7.5-8
NH3 – 0-0.6 mg/L
NO3 – 10-20 mg/L

I’m feeding them every 3 days, again as advised, and I can’t see ANY visible signs of illness on them, but they’ve started to die. A clown loach died a couple of days ago and I thought it was an anomaly. Then a male guppy died the next day. Just now I’ve fished out another clown loach and a female guppy. I can’t understand what it is. I found two of them (the guppies) against the filter inflow pipe, but I’ve never had a fish get sucked into it before and I’ve had that filter (an external one) for around 6 months now, so I can’t imagine it’s that.

Any ideas??? I’m a bit desperate…

amonia and nitrites really need 2 be 0 do a 50% water change and see if that helps then test again i not totally sure but clown loach get quite big in that case ur tank isnt big enough for them but...... i mite be wrong

did u cycle thge tank fishless first?

hope that helps :)

amonia and nitrites really need 2 be 0 do a 50% water change and see if that helps then test again i not totally sure but clown loach get quite big in that case ur tank isnt big enough for them but...... i mite be wrong

did u cycle thge tank fishless first?

hope that helps :)


I've reposted my thread having looked at some other threads about mysterious fish deaths on here. Thanks for your advice here - I think you're right about my tank not being big enough.
Your tank is severely overstocked with clown loaches they need very large tanks of 90 gallons as they grow big.
Your filter won't be coping with the stocking in your 6 gallon tank.

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