Fish Dying One By One


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2009
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Hi All,

I set up a new 10 Gallon tank last week due to the fact that my old one was too small and fish were able to jump out (resulting in 2 dead).
I think the tank has been cycled but I think I introduced the fish too soon to the new tank.
After intial setup, I used filter start and obviously treated the water with tap safe.

To the point, 3 fish (1 guppy, 1 danios, 1 white cloud) have now died since introduction to the new tank and I cannot understand why.

Stock: 4 x guppies 1 x Zebra Danios 1 x White Cloud minnow

I know the danios and white cloud are schooling fish but some did jump out of the old tank and I plan to get more asap, however I do not want to introduce any more fish whilst some have died.

I did notice the guppy that died hung at the top of water days before dying, the danios was unexpected and the white cloud lost colour.

The tank is properly aerated and heated and I am using interpret pf1 filter.

Must add that I did do a 10% water change with little or no difference. A strip test showed a slightly high nitrate level aswell.

I appreciate any replies
Hi sammclean23

"I set up a new 10 Gallon tank last week due to the fact that my old one was too small and fish were able to jump out (resulting in 2 dead).
I think the tank has been cycled but I think I introduced the fish too soon to the new tank.
After intial setup, I used filter start and obviously treated the water with tap safe."

Sorry to inform you but your tank is not cycled unless you are using a filter from a previous tank on your new tank then the bacteria will not have had time to colonise in just 1 week, this process takes several weeks (1 month plus), I would suggest daily 25% water changes to avoid any further casualties until the tank is properly cycled

Some fish do jump ans should have a cover if this type of fish is to be kept, however the species you have are not renowned for jumping out of tanks on a regular basis, this is probably due to poor water quality (none cycled filter / tank) as the amonia and to a lesser extent nitrite will burn the skin and gills causing extreme irritation to the fish, hence jumpin out of the water.

I would suggest that you have a good read of some of the links found on this forum regarding fshless cycling and more importantly fish in cycling (as this now applies to you).

Your filter should be adequate for this tank as long as you don't overstock it, you should perform weekly 25% water changes regardless of what your water test shows, also test stips are notoriously innaccurate, would advise that you use the liquid kits available. Most tap water has "some" nitrate in depending on the area you live in, more important are the ammonia and nitrite levels, these are toxic to your fish as previously mentioned. Familiarise yourself with the nitrogen cycle which will be covered in the tank cycling topics.

Click the link below to find some essential info to help you,

Hope this helps,

I really should have researched instead of taking the advice from pets at home :(

Ill being doing the water changes today and hopefully save the rest of the fish! And the new tank does have a cover so they wont be able to jump out thankfully.

The filter wasnt used from the old tank (old tank was only 10L) and obviously if i did use the same one it would not be sufficient.

Thanks for the reply, it's a big help.

No problem Sam,

you could always use the filter from the previous tank AS WELL as the new one. You can never have too much filtration, depends how long its not been in use though, more than a few hours out of water and no flow then the beneficial bacteria would have died off anyway.

Let me know how you get on.


See if i knew this form the beginnning all would have been okay, suppose iv learnt the hard way.

Unfortunately yeah, the filter has been out at least a week now :( and it would mean getting a bigger extension as I am already using 3 sockets for the tank

Whats more is that I have to go away for the week next week and so my parents wont be able to do the water changes?

Do you think my fish are likely to die without the water changes next week?

By the way, would you recommend using the old filter as well? it is only small.

Thanks again for the reply
Hi Sam,

Sorry for the delayed response.

We have all learned the hard way at some point, can't begin to tell you the mistakes I have made over the years do to lack of knowledge and poor information.

It won't hurt to add the other filter to the tank, just give it a good clean in tank water to clean of any old dead material.

As for the water changes just ensure that the fish are fed sparingly )if at all) for the week you are away.

Fish can go a very long time without food so this would help reduce the waste buildup in the water while you are away.

Another option is that if you have a friend who has a properly cycled filter you could use some media from their filter to seed you own. M<aybe a local fish shop could help out.


No worries :)

Yeah i think I will make sure they aren't fed for the week.

None of my friends own fish tanks so a cycled filter is not an option.

At least I will have made several water changes of 25 % anyway. i.e. wed, thur, fri, sat, sun.

Lets just hope the fish survive!

Thanks a lot for your advice

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