Fish Dies Then When I Hold It Comes Back To Life

Do the marks on fins look like blood streaking, or blood patches?
Any red edges, or pink edges to fins.

You can buy furanol 2 in the UK. But it wipes the good bacteria out in your filter. So best to use in isolation. Unless you have alot of sick fish in the same tank. Then the bacteria in the filter needs wiping out.

There other meds but there only good on mild bacteria infections.
Esha 2000.
Anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
Myxazin by waterlife.
More like patches, like hemoraging or something.

Furanol is not forsale in the UK have checked the stockists on the JBL website and they dont have it. I have purchased myxazin and api aquarium salts. Was going to dose with both of these. Do you think this will be okay?
Myxazin ok on mild bacteria infections.

But red streaking in fins is septicemia.

Also you can't add salt with some of the fish you keep. Like corys, flying fox.

You can buy furanol 2 here. Also there some other bacterial meds listed.
Hi Wilder,

I got the myxazin through and have been treating with that. I can't use any amount of the salt though is that right? I no longer has the flying fox, that died yesterday, i think this was age related though. It has been looking old for around 6 months now. My fish are:

2 Angelfish
2 severum cichlids
1 convict cichlid
1 sterbai cory
1 silver tetra
1 other tetra
1 black widow tetra
1 Golden gourami

My tank size is 240Litres with plants.

Thank you for your help.
No salt i'm afraid with some of the fish you keep.

Sorry about the flying fox. :rip:

How are the other fish doing. Any signs of improvement?
Its day 2 of the treatment. They all look okay, still have the red patches on the gourami and convict.

Since the flying fox died, cory's friend, they were always side by side at the bottom of the tank, he has been going up and down the tank continuously, just on the sides of the tank, going half way up the tank, then back down.

Any ideas?
They sometimes do go up and down the sides of the tank. It can also be a sign of stress so just make sure the fish doesn't look pale. As you know this can also be a sign of stress.
Okay so no more losses.

However, i have noticed the ammonia has shot up in the tank.

Not sure if this is the Myxazin that has killed the beneficial bacteria in my filter or the interpet anti fungus. But it appears there is no beneficial bacteria eating the ammonia now.

I have done 3 50% water changes in the last 3 days.

Should i continue to do this? The ammonia levels are exactly as bad within 24 hours.

I have added a small sponge from my goldfish filter into my external filter on my tropical tank. I did this yesterday, although it doesn't seem to have had much of an effect.

Any ideas please?
I don't think either of those meds knocks your good bacteria in your filter.
With using 2 medications in a short space of time I suppose it could knock your good bacterial.

Do you have a test result for nitrite?

Keep preforming water changes.
Increase aeration.
That's good if nitrite 0. Sometimes after medication the tank can go into a little mini cycle.

Daily testing for ammonia, nitrite.
Water changes if necessary.

Thank you for the update.

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