Fish Death


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington, US
I bought a 55 g aquarium from a friend that had 3 clown loaches and one african cichlid (red zebra). One of the clown loaches just died overnight. It did not seem to have been attacked by the cichild (no bite marks). It was one that was breathing fast and hanging out in the corner without moving much.

I took the fish out. Is there anything I should do further with the tank if a fish died. Any parameters I should check now. Anything I should add?

I bought a 55 g aquarium from a friend that had 3 clown loaches and one african cichlid (red zebra). One of the clown loaches just died overnight. It did not seem to have been attacked by the cichild (no bite marks). It was one that was breathing fast and hanging out in the corner without moving much.

I took the fish out. Is there anything I should do further with the tank if a fish died. Any parameters I should check now. Anything I should add?

I'd always check all parameters after a fish death.

How long has the tank been setup since the move?
When I got the fish they came in 20% of the original water. We added tap water we dechlorinated per instructions and added aquarium salt per instructions. We brought the temp up to around 75 F (23.8 C) and placed the fish in. This was two weeks ago.

Otherwise there has been no cycling.

Last I checked the parameters were PH 7.2, Temp 75 F (23.8 C), Nitrite, Nitrate, and NH4/NH3 negative. Is it too soon to do another check?

The other fish look happy.

I have had the tank for a little under 2 weeks.
Yes stress with a cycling tank, watch out for whitespot as clown loaches are very prone to it, and with them being stressed with the cycle you could have an outbreak of it.
Thanks all for all the help, I am going to have to sue my allegedly reputable LFS since they told me "most" tropical freshwater fish (they said "specially loaches") need aquarium salt :S

So I am now going to have a seizure trying to fix all these nitrate and nitrite issues... and now the pH is slightly alkaline.

and I thought this would be something I could master.

Sorry you have really had bad advice given, loaches are scaless fish and salt will burn them.
Is there any chance you can get the salt out, by doing some water changes? :/ I would hate to think of your fish suffering... especially the clowns, as they have no scales :-( and this will affect them the worst....

Try and get your tank back to just freshwater.... Then test your water stats daily, and do frequent water changes, once a day while you are cycling with your fish, around 30% of the water, take it out, and replace with dechlorinated water....

Good luck

C x :*
Is there any chance you can get the salt out, by doing some water changes? :/ I would hate to think of your fish suffering... especially the clowns, as they have no scales :-( and this will affect them the worst....

Try and get your tank back to just freshwater.... Then test your water stats daily, and do frequent water changes, once a day while you are cycling with your fish, around 30% of the water, take it out, and replace with dechlorinated water....

Good luck

C x :*

I started just now with a 25% water change with dechlorinated tap water, and will do so if I can daily. The amazing thing is that the clowns looke "happier" (in a very anthropomorphic sense of course) after adding the salts. They fed more and swam around more (they were not "scratching").

Keep your fingers crossed

The scratching could be due to poor water quality, or a parasite so watch out for whitespots like they have been sprinkled in salt.

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