What are your water readings right now? If ammonia and nitrites are extremely high, I would do a large water change (i.e. 50% to 80%) - but if they are only slightly high (i.e. 0.25), I would stick to 25% to 30% water change. Again, this is based on my experience and I have had excellent outcomes.
Thought I better add this: when I first got my black widow tetras, I added too many too soon, eight to be exact (yep - big mistake on my end). But, with consistent water testing and water changes, everything worked out. Two years later and all of my babies are still here and they are happy and healthy, and I now have 16 in total (I added 8 more over the last three weeks...after almost two years with just eight!). In the beginning, I always did the 25%-30% water changes when readings were at 0.25 (I never had anything higher than that).

Thought I better add this: when I first got my black widow tetras, I added too many too soon, eight to be exact (yep - big mistake on my end). But, with consistent water testing and water changes, everything worked out. Two years later and all of my babies are still here and they are happy and healthy, and I now have 16 in total (I added 8 more over the last three weeks...after almost two years with just eight!). In the beginning, I always did the 25%-30% water changes when readings were at 0.25 (I never had anything higher than that).