Wilson Dennis
New Member
I have a tank which consists of 6 cardinal tetras,
6 black phantom tetras and Cory dory’s,
The tank has plenty of live plants etc and has been set up for a while
They are all healthy and parameters are perfect
Every time you go anywhere near the tank they always seem to be scared, I’m just wondering is their anything I could do to make them more confident?
Or is their anything I could add to the tank?
Any information would be great thanks
I have a tank which consists of 6 cardinal tetras,
6 black phantom tetras and Cory dory’s,
The tank has plenty of live plants etc and has been set up for a while
They are all healthy and parameters are perfect
Every time you go anywhere near the tank they always seem to be scared, I’m just wondering is their anything I could do to make them more confident?
Or is their anything I could add to the tank?
Any information would be great thanks