Fish confidence

Wilson Dennis

New Member
May 19, 2022
Reaction score
United Kingdom

I have a tank which consists of 6 cardinal tetras,
6 black phantom tetras and Cory dory’s,

The tank has plenty of live plants etc and has been set up for a while
They are all healthy and parameters are perfect

Every time you go anywhere near the tank they always seem to be scared, I’m just wondering is their anything I could do to make them more confident?
Or is their anything I could add to the tank?
Any information would be great thanks
Tetra's appreciate floating plants or plants that cover the surface (vallisneria for example). Do you have some?
how often do you go near the tank/feed it? and how long has it been set up?
also some fish, like sword tails in my experience are just sort of scared of anything that moves, if you stay still for a while they are not scared however.
Welcome to our forum... :hi:
How long ago did you set up the tank and how long ago have they been in there? If fish have been introduced recently, it can be that they just need some time to settle in before they will openly swim around of stay close to the glass.

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