Dont forget that with Oscars and rays you wont be able to keep many live plants (if any) as both fish will pull up and destroy plants for fun, also the fish and their diets are much different and create a lot more waste than the fish you have previously kept so larger and more frequent water changes are needed. With predatory fish 40% a week is the minimum ammount of water recomended to be changed and most ray keepers change 50% twice a week, as long as the water you use for changes each time dosent change then the water chemistry of the tank wont change, mine has a soild pH of 7.4 and a hardness of around 12dGH which never alters.
To house a single ray (not recomended, they do better in pairs or groups, i am still looking for a suitable male to join my ray) and a single oscar i still wouldnt recomend a tank of less than 180 US gallons though the 24" width isnt really ideal and a wider 30 or 36" wide tank would be much better.
To house a single ray (not recomended, they do better in pairs or groups, i am still looking for a suitable male to join my ray) and a single oscar i still wouldnt recomend a tank of less than 180 US gallons though the 24" width isnt really ideal and a wider 30 or 36" wide tank would be much better.